om a=time zone to a=real=nurb>r when it pgs(es a " wue.du="leol8w(voduReturnt" wue dmh3>=p id="3383072"6"
utcTotalOff(ee: off(ee ofllocal=time, in secA plus /ide indicates a time zone wes
cflUTC (suct as a zone in North Ar rica) du="li>duA minus /ide indicates a time zone eas
cflUTC (suct as a zone in Germany)="li>duduutcHourOff(ee: off(ee, in hours ofllocal=time, from UTC="li>duutcMinuteOff(ee: off(ee, in minutes, beyond the hours off(ee. For North Ar rica, this is 0. For countries that aab not exactly on the hour off(ee, the nurb>r is between 0 and 60. For example, standard time in Adelride, Austr wia is off(ee 9 hours and 30 minutes from UTC.="li>duisDSTOn: True, if Dayll e Savi>8w(voduCategory dmh3>=p id="2501557"6"
8w(vode vDate and time fun5tVIQuernatV8w(voduSyntax dmh3>=pre 6"
()8w(voduSeeta so dmh3>=p id="251880956"
CreateDateTimemn sdcode>, de vDatePartmn sgnExample dmh3>du